Running with the Heroes

The life of faith is like a race. It takes endurance and training.  Fortunately, we do not have to run that race alone. We not only have the community of faith in which God has placed us; but also a crowd of witness that have gone before us. Men and women who not only ran this race, but became Hall of Fame members of it.  What would each of them say to us,  if each of them could step out of the crowd and join us for a lap in our race? What if we could run a lap and learn from the Heroes of the Faith?

Jesus Found A Way

So much in our lives screams, “No way!”  So many times, we think: “This can’t be happening to me.” Other times we think: “There is no way this is ever going to work out for me…” There is no way to fix this, solve this, pay this, or replace this.  The events surrounding that first Christmas - the advent, the coming of Jesus - teach us many things.  But one thing they prove undeniably is that Jesus found a way when there simply was no way. In this series, Pastor Hosey helps us to reconsider the events of that first Christmas and see what they can teach us about what Jesus found a way to brings us.

The Dust of the Rabbi

In Jesus day, a "disciple" was someone who followed after a rabbi in order to become like the rabbi. They followed so closely that a phrase arose to describe these disciples: They were said to be "covered in the dust of the rabbi." Jesus chose ordinary people and invited them to follow him into an extraordinary life. This series examines the "extraordinary dust particles" that covered and shaped these "disciples" and considers whether they might that be what Jesus has next for us? 

That’s My Story

We all have stories we tell to others… some of which are actually true...
We also tell stories to ourselves –about life, about people, about God, about ourselves – some of which are actually true… but what about the ones that aren’t true?

According to the experts, we all live by the stories we tell ourselves. Consequently, if the narratives we tell ourselves are not true, they will not only run our lives, they will ruin our lives.

In this series, we look at the narratives we are telling ourselves about God, about ourselves, and about life – and correct them with the narratives of the one who was called: the way the truth and the life.

Gone Fishing

When Jesus invited people to follow him, what he told them they would be doing was undeniable. He said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Mt 4:9) Jesus was pretty clear: Followers fish.  So, why do so many followers not fish and how can we be followers who do fish for people and bring them to Jesus?

Face to Face

God cannot be fully understood until He is personally experienced. Once you do encounter God; however, your life is never the same. So, what does it take to have what scripture describes as a "face-to-face" relationship with God?

Standalone Sermons

Find special speakers and one-off Sermons here!

There are some truths, some landmarks, that if we can keep them in sight, will guide us through the twists and turns and back alleys of our journey and get us home – all the way home not just to our house, but to the Father’s house in heaven.

Stressed Out

According to every current survey, more people are living with more stress today than ever before.  This series is focused on the major sources of that stress in families today and asks the critical questions: Is there any help? Is there any hope?


God has more for you. However, it takes more capacity to receive more substance.  That is true in every area of life; and it is true in our relationship with God.  What does it take for us to mature, to increase our capacity for the more God has in store for us?

Living Hope

Easter 2024

How To Live

Through A Bad Day:

We all know what it is like to have a bad day – even Jesus. His worst day actually led to the cross. Facing betrayal, false accusation, rejection, abuse, and humiliation – Jesus was crucified. Despite the pain, Jesus set an example for us how to triumph over our hardships. In this series, we will study what Jesus said from the cross that can show us how to process our bad days.

Take The Step

God has prepared the steps of your life so that you can experience your best life, a blessed life.  You will only experience that life and that blessing if you take the step. So what are those steps?


They may call it the most wonderful time of the year, but what do you do when the realities of your life are anything but Christmas-Card perfect? How do you have even a merry Christmas, let alone a #BestChristmasEver when faced with things that are unexpected… or uncertain… or downright unwanted?

Built To Last

Jesus said, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (Matt 16:18, NLT) In preparation to celebrate our 100th year as a congregation, we are asking: “What does it take to build a church to last… not just 100 years, but more?”

In Times Like These

How do we navigate a culture that is increasingly hostile towards the Christian faith? How do we walk closely with God without caving into the pressures of our culture; while at the same time not alienating those we wish to reach for Christ?

The Genesis of Encounter

An encounter is an unexpected experience of something or an unexpected meeting with someone. God wants us to have an encounter with Him that we will never forget. What does that encounter look like and what does it take?

The Second Coming

Some people only get scared about Jesus’ return, but the scriptures tell us to encourage one another by the fact that Jesus is coming back. 

Rock The Block

God is out to do a reno on your family so that it can rock your block.